Category: Health & Fitness

  • When Anxiety Strikes

    When Anxiety Strikes

    Worry, fear, racing thoughts, sleepless nights, poor concentration, restlessness… anxiety can affect people in different ways. Everyone experiences a certain amount of anxiety in their lives but when it starts to interfere with daily living, then that’s when it can become a problem. Mental health disorders (and that is what anxiety disorder is) is something…

  • Turkey Taco Bowls
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    Turkey Taco Bowls

    It’s a new year & chances are that you might be focusing on some health & fitness goals. Me too girl! Even my husband is jumping on board which is why I was on a good search for some healthy lunch options. I’m always on the lookout for healthy lunch or dinner meals that fit…

  • Strengthening Your Core During Pregnancy

    Let’s talk about abs! Having a strong core is super beneficial whether your are pregnant or not. Maybe you were focused more on the appearance of a toned tummy before you were pregnant but now that you are expecting you may be wondering what’s the point? Or also IF it’s safe to keep working on…

  • 26 Weeks Pregnancy Update

    It’s been a minute since I’ve done a pregnancy update! I’m going to try to do them more often & include some pregnancy workouts for you Mamas! I was hoping to have done more but I’m like a kid & get distracted so easily that I often bounce from project to project. What can I…

  • Perfect Oven-Baked Salmon

    I love a good piece of salmon. I used to only order from a restaurant because it would never taste as good at home. But with so much experimenting I think I’ve finally figured out how to cook a good salmon! I’m sharing my basic healthy version & also a really good recipe! Not only…